Blacks Do not Support Blacks Do not Support
Today the world we see is the world we created. Our recent ancestors did not live in such a world. They lived in a... Blacks Do not Support


This article is still being edited

Without commerce and industry, a people perish economically. The Negro is perishing because he has no economic system – Marcus Garvey

“Our refusal as Black people to confront the issue of money and wealth is going to end up with our very lives being threatened as a people in this earth.” – Dr. Amos Wilson

Black spending power reached 1.6 trillion dollars in 2022. Yet our wealth has fallen by 14% which means 99% of our buying power is spent outside of our community. The Black dollar stays in our community for 6hrs while it stays in the Asian community for 28 days. It will take 250 years to catch up if we do not practice group economics. –Hype Club 1)Even if these exact stats are wrong, they clearly are not wrong about showing there is an epic problem

Impugning reputations2)reply: People ask who owns Ocacia. Its seems African people doubt their own ability so much that some struggle to think that Africans can create an online business at the level of Ocacia. But if you really worried about who owns Ocacia it is explained on the site. (but did the people with this concern visit the site? or care to privately email us? ). Next thing someone said they were worried that their money spent buying African clothes might not be going to Africans. Hold up! All this week they have been spending money on things that no African owns–why not raise this criterion then? Black Panther film made millions from Africans, why was this criteria not raised when they supported it? I mean it is an African story but all the profits are not in any African account. Most clothes on the market are made by Chinese, most people who are concerned about our owners ancestry wear 100% clothes that are NOT owned by Africans–so why now the deep investigation after we said we were 100% African owned? ‘Just another way to tear down and create distrust

Yes, the rumors are true, black people will find any excuse to twist and squirm their way out of supporting each other. They might say AMEN and stomp their feet when you shout #BUYBLACK, you might get 1k likes on social media. But what you will not get is SALES! That is the mindset we are dealing with. Now let us cut to the chase, as a race we own NOTHING. That shocking truth does not compel action, it seems to generate even more excuses not to support.  While every other race is loyal to their market, black people say “do not use guilt to get my sale.” Well, the church does.

At $1 or $30, $300 to $3000 there will be no support so it has nothing at all to do with money. This website was free, it still was not supported. Non-support is not monetary it is a mental condition.

There are two parts to this story which are creating a horrible loop. Because of the lack of support, businesses do not emerge to support. So sometimes African consumers would love to support but cannot find businesses to support. And they cannot find businesses to support because if and when they do exist they are not supported, hence eventually no longer exist.

The DVD is $10 bucks

Today the world we see is the world we created; it is a world very different from the world of our recent ancestors. They lived in a world where they were next to powerless to control any of the events in their lives. Unlike us, they could not decide to go and read African books and gain information; they could not create beautiful historical museums, or celebrate Kwanzaa without permission.

Ocacia Designer Clothing

Modern African Clothes (Click to Buy)

But today, we are a fortunate generation because we have a choice. So the world we see or do not see, is the world created exclusively by our choices. I always wanted to be able to buy quality African clothes online, but very few outlets existed. I would love to find an African owned baby story with only African products for sale, targeted at African children– to my knowledge none exist. I would love to buy a DVD called Mansa Musa which matched the best that Hollywood can make-unfortunately it has never been made, and even if made would probably be owned by Europeans. The reason for that is because the accumulation of Black choices has not been enough to bring it into existence–nothing more and nothing less. Some try to sugarcoat it, but it really is only the work of Black choice. No, not White supremacy, or the World Bank, but the collective pan-African choices we make. And no one is putting a gun to our heads when we support everything but our own.

Destructive hair and skin products

Destructive hair and skin products

It is almost the more beneficial a product and service is for African people, the more likely it is for them not to support. When it comes to supporting for skin bleaching, lace weave — we do not have a problem.

This all is beyond debate because you just need to look across the world and ask the question– why do we own so little? There are only a few possible answers. Either we just do not have the skills, like others, to run a business or we are held back by external forces. While all of these are true, the issue of lack of support tied to poor business skills and poor opportunities, creates the perfect storm. And this storm is getting worse, for today what we own is diminishing–not increasing.

More White ownership with 100% Black compliance

Everyone has an excuse but there are no excuses. We own nothing in this world because of our choices. Excuses are therefore null and void. Business advertising permeates this page, yet the millions who visit this site every year love the content although very few support the beautiful African-owned businesses. Unfortunately, this site does not run on-air and we are unable to continue running it without support.


When it comes to supporting, remember the message is not for you, it is for the person behind you. The problem is that the person behind you, whom you think the message is for,

is thinking just like you. And this is our curse–non-support. It is like there is a fire in the neighborhood burning all our houses down and we all are thinking that someone MUST have called 911– but nobody has, so all our houses burn down.

Africans do not make cars like Koreans, we do not make motorcycles like the Japanese, we do not make fabric like the Indians. We do not make everything like the Chinese. We do not make weapons like the British and Americans. We love making music but none of the equipment used to make music is made by us. So if you wanted right now to support an African mobile phone, you really could not. If you wanted to spend all your money on an African TV you could not. But this is not the case with African clothes, some cosmetics, bags, some shoes, jewelry, etc. So these are some areas people can do something about right now, these are areas you can support.

The number of Black business owners fell by 41% between February and April — a far higher percentage than any other racial group, according to research from Robert Fairlie, an economics professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz.



@$400 bucks to get as close as possible

We need to be honest. Because when the pastor steals money out of our pockets we are cool with it. We have a choice. When con men claim to be building great epic institutions of higher learning we are also cool giving. If you selling pipe dreams on the street we give money w/o a thought. What is wrong with us is very simple. We are a people who demand things like a Harvest by planting nothing. Someone told me they do not have to support things black just because they are black, and they will weigh the merit of what they support on their own. They are 100% correct. But then I went to their page and saw Fake hair, Fake nails, and Fake blue eyes. This is our independent African mind making conscious decisions to build us back again. It is their choice to support their enslavement. We are today free to support our oppressors with a smile.

So everyone has an excuse for non-support. But when Spielberg did Schindler’s List I promise you the issue of “personal independent” Jewish spending never came up. B/c as a collective they knew the intrinsic VALUE of that work. This is why in South Africa there is a Jewish Museum where we blacks go to learn about the Jewish experience. There was an African Holocaust museum in the states in the 80s non-support finished them off. Again we put our personal freedom above everything else and did not find the AH museum worthy of our support the same way we find Rihanna’s porn-filled concerts worthy of our support. It’s a choice.
Do not ever support, but at least know the consequences of that. and why our world is a dessert. When the credits for Black Panther 2 and 3 and 4 come up go and see the fruit of non-support. Today in Africa all these “independent” negroes patronize AliExpress. It is a choice, I never put a gun to your head. I am just telling you as long as you think supporting your own good work is optional take a seat b/c our condition will be like this for a long time.


On their page is the typical Afro-Fake stuff pictures of BLACK KMT, how much they hate Islam and especially Christianity.  How everything was black until the oppressor STOLE it from us. Yet in their fridge is everything the white man-made for them to eat, in their closet is all the clothes China makes for them, on their TV stand is all the seasons of Seinfeld and the Help; everything Hollywood throws their way. And at 7AM their alarm will go off and they will be out the door to slave for the White man get paid and return 100% of that paycheck back into the economic system of White Supremacy.


We say our people do not support and that needs some clarification. If we found out that Nike or H&M was owned by an African would our hatred of self mean we stop buying? You already know we would probably buy more, feeling proud to have Nike or Puma owned by someone that looks like us. So then you just said that we do not support each other. Seems like a conflict. But it is because of how our non-support works. Once white people like something or add value to something– then we embrace it. If 12 Years Later was done by Shahadah or Gerima and whites panned it, so would we. This is why people like Peele and Mr crossdresser do well with our people because they are validated Blacks. Then we support. But unless vogue runs a cover on Ocacia clothes, then we would not on our own add value to go and celebrate it.


If you go on YouTube right now and type in Star Wars fan film, who funds these? Yet for a non-commercial film Whites around the world can raise money to make films at that level! Can we (as Africans) get together and raise that same money to make a film about an Ancient African historical figure? Take time and go on YouTube and look at the budgets raised for Star War Fan films. Someone in the comments said that Whites access one or two massive film studios to make films. But that is not the only way they make content. They have a common interest and raise the money! Can we as Africans (with our large populations) get together and do the same? Well, you already know the answer.
We love Ancient Egypt So damn much we would knock someone out for saying Egypt was White. But we would not raise two cents to fund research, genetic or archeological, or make documentaries or feature films representing our worldview. Yet Whites all over the world can raise more money for a fictional film with Wookies and Light sabers.


The median wealth of African Americans business will drop to $0 by 2053 if current non-support trends continue

Laziness to support is another issue. When you support White/Asian products it is easier than supporting African owned ones. Just walk blindfolded into a shopping center and spend all your money with your oppressor. Some people have the money yet they continue to not support. The little extra effort to go online or 10 minutes out of the way and buy a DVD/book/Tee from an independent African business is too much work. You mean I got to click a link –seriously? Or they think they are special and exempt from supporting. But check the comments as they clap and applaud your #buyblack statement but nothing on their bank statement helps us go forward. We just need to stop lying to ourselves–We do not actually want to be free, just free to complain.


@$80 bucks no price complaints here

Depending on the venue, general seating and standing tickets range in price from $80-200 and beyond to see Rihanna in concert. When one of her concerts was being promoted on Facebook people (Black people) were climbing over themselves to get as many tickets as possible. Some booked for the whole family dropping $800 US to see this saucy Barbadian beauty sing “Baby this is what you came for..“. Now, Beyonce visited Ethiopia, John Legend visited South Africa. In both Ethiopia and South Africa the tickets were approximately $80, yeah it is a lot considering the GDP of places like Ethiopia. Yet our people have no problem finding the money for 2 hrs of “Please don’t stop the music“. When the new Marvel-owned Black Panther film hits worldwide they will make millions from African people (poor and rich alike): No complaints.

An eat-out is billed at $120 dollars for the family– no big deal, no complaints. All of that $120 goes to White/Asian/Indian communities to make those businesses stronger. Yet the same family that dropped $120 will not buy a DVD for $20 bucks, or some African clothes at $80 a pop. Clothes and DVDs that will not end up in the toilet in the morning.

Ocacia Modern African clothes

Ocacia Traditional Modern African clothes

Now, some people complained about the price of Negash shoes, Ocacia Designer Clothing and conscious films like Motherland and 500 Years Later. One “black” guy on social media who just raised the price as a barrier to wearing beautiful handmade African clothes had no problem forking out $400 US for concert tickets to see Rihanna for 2 hrs, and $200 to take the family to see 12 Years a Slave. In South Africa, regardless of people’s economic status, they seem to always find the money for their hair and brand-name clothes. So never think that as a people we actually have a price problem; just a priority problem. Our value system is set by the White world. So if Puma has Pumps for $800, the poorest of the poor will still support them, while they would not support a beautiful dashiki hand-made for $80. 


Not everyone knows this so let us explain it for those who can read this entire message. Many would say “where is the Black Facebook?” it makes sense for us to have it since we all seem to spend so much time on Mark’s Facebook. We think it is free but there is nothing free about it; because on Facebook you are either their client or their product (up for sale). Anyway, why don’t we have an African YouTube, or a designer company like Hugo Boss doing African clothing? Truth is all of these things we either have or had. Many Africans get the idea and go and try to create our own stuff in the world we live in. But the problem beyond lack of support is that Mark did not get successful with Facebook on his own. Neither did Hugo Boss, or Calvin.

Buy 500 Years Later DVD

Buy Click Link

What happened was there was Mr Hugo, and around them 1000 other White-owned businesses to support. So, a historical Hollywood film comes like 300, you have marketing companies sharing the studio’s vision, you have CNN sharing the producer’s vision, you have writers, you have Wikipedia all working together to make their stuff successful. You then have the Greek government behind them and White investors, historians and scholars. Not so the case with 500 Years Later, which got no mention by 99.999% of the black press–the first major review came from White socialist not Kam Williams.

Now when it comes to Africans, Ocacia Designer Clothing can design the best clothes until Star Trek returns to prime time but what extended networks are they connected to? Will the so-called Black Fashion magazines back them, the “Black” banks (if any exist) back them or the “African” TV networks share their vision? Where in most cases do none exist? But in cases where they do exist, they exist to support Hugo Boss and the White world. The “Black” film critics are not interested in 500 Years Later but in Dunkirk. The Black scholars are not interested in Sankofa, but what bad things National Geographic said about slavery. Or some tangent issue.

Ocacia Ethiopian Clothes online

Habesha Clothes Click to BUY

You must understand this in order to grasp why our world is a desert when it comes to ownership and power. Yes people try, but like a seed in a desert, it has nothing to help it grow. No rain, no proper soil, nothing. And then on top of this is the African majority who only support what Whites verify. So it would take CNN to come and say; “Motherland (2010) is the best doc ever made on Africa” for Africans globally to go and support.


Low-quality ties into our inability to run a business, and it is valid when people use it as an excuse to avoid African owned products and services. How many times have many of us tried to support African businesses only to be totally disappointed? Good people have lost $1000’s because they picked terrible African businesses. So this issue of non-support would be incomplete if we did not also discuss the poor performance and low standards of many African run businesses. This dyadic relationship needs two hands to clap, to truly fix the issue of non-support.

Beat Samsung with Support

Beat Samsung with Support

Two areas, therefore, need work. People must support, and businesses must produce the best of the best. Because at the end of the day, if someone needs to buy a phone that works and helps them in their life, they need to buy Samsung from Korea until Nairobi gets a competitive product going.

But we need to be very realistic. There is no point in expecting someone in Africa to make a phone today to beat Samsung. We must, like everyone else, crawl before we can walk. We cannot produce films like 300 and Lord of the Rings if people cannot even support a documentary flick on slavery. We cannot discuss “Where are the African fabric manufacturers”, when we barely have African clothing labels and online outlets. It is asinine and ignorant to think any group can come with world-class goods without taking many baby steps.

Let us isolate one comment made on Facebook to show the level of the slave mentality and its rationale. And all of this rambling is for one reason and one reason only, to justify self-hate.

Ominiyi Adesanya Awoyade One problem with untested clothing brands is the customer lacks the opportunity to experience the clothing first hand before a purchase…Is the fabric stiff??..Is it cheaply made?? Will it hold up over many washings?? Will I be proud to wear this garment one year from now??..If it doesn’t fit well will I have to launch an all out war with their customer service dept in order to exchange or refund it…

This is a ridiculous standard which they ONLY apply to African products. It seems to make sense but if Japan employed this method of putting its products next to American products in the early days how would they ever have grown to become world giants today? Or do we expect non-support to give birth to a new car industry to rival Ferrari without growing steps? The next thing is to assume everything African is low quality. So once quality is verified then what is the next excuse not to buy?

PS…No amount of guilt-tripping will compel Black folk to buy from you just because you are Black…We like nice s**t just like every other consumer.

No, Africans do not like nice stuff like everyone else. This is why Africa is the dumping ground of all manner of garbage from the East and America. As long as whites or Chinese are supplying it — we buy it. Many of the things imported to Africa from the outside world are inferior iterations of the products in their native lands.  So if guilt-tripping does not work, then nothing will and Africans should stop complaining about how oppressed we are. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. We do not want to build industry, we do not want to unite, we do not want to work on increasing our skills, we do not want to lobby, we do not want to study our history, we do not want to venerate our heroes, we do not want to practice Buy Black but we want to be the next Tiger Economy by sitting on our hands and shouting in the streets.  This is why African people are our own greatest enemy. The real people holding us back are Black.


Before I support ANY BLACK business there are a few things we need to get 100% straight– or they not getting my money:
1. Are they really Black, so I want to see some photos and a DNA test, Maybe they like Bruno Mars. Maybe they fronting.
2. EVERYONE in the company must be Black, and I want their DNA results with certified docs
3. They must be all ADOS, cuz we ADOS are the ONLY ones who ever fought for Black people in America.
4. Everything in the business must be made by Black people even the pens and till machines.
5. They must be cheaper than everyone else from day dot and they must be around the corner from my house.
6. I need a check on all the comments they made in the last decade to see if anything they said throws shade on Black people.

Now my criteria for other races, Korean, Chinese, White, Arab, Indian is

Just take my money.


Having been in business for over 20 years and trying almost everything from films, to clothes, to online services, you see a pattern. Unless you target a broad demographic your returns from targeting products for Africans is almost a good way to ruin your business– unless those products are harmful– like fake hair.

Trash Sells

A Nigerian friend came to me for business advice and I had to tell him if you want to feed your family, you will make more money doing fake hair, than healthy organic products. Between selling conscious films and Black Soaps you will go out of business doing conscious historical films. And while these problems are 100% true for all groups, White and everyone else is able to successfully own a greater market share of diverse businesses, may that be historical books, historical films, health products, whatever.

If you are a filmmaker, unless you are planning to make that stereotypical garbage you could  just forget about feeding your family from conscious films, or any conscious products.


I own this!

We need to understand the enslaved mind, the mind that at any opportunity wants to tear down as opposed to support. You say here is a company in Africa, owned by Africans doing conscious products– what does the Negro mind ask? “But who owns it”? For the first time in their life WHO owns something becomes central as they turn from memes, jokes, and no interest in African anything into a Pan-African economists with a fine-toothed comb. In their house and on their backs are everything made by Whites and Chinese– ownership for 99.999% of the time bothers them none. On their DVD shelf is Iron Man 5, Lord of the Rings : The desolation of Smaug, Sex in the City. The Blackest thing they ever watched was 12 Years Still a Slave. The White ownership or Asian ownership of things does not bother them. The only time they need to know how pitch black and Afro your hair is, is when it is owned by Africans and is something of an economic benefit to our community. And the same for people active in liberation, they want to review you with a fine-toothed comb as opposed to supporting and thanking God that someone is doing the work.


  • Only if they had a store in my area I would support. 
  • Black Business is are not competitive (how can they be when they get no support to grow)?
  • Do not trust them because they do not have a New York Times review.
  • “I am going to buy it now” when you ask “did you buy it” oh my wife said we have an event at Xmas so wait till then.
  •  Too expensive or I would support. “I really wish the prices were more reasonable because I want to support”
  •  I love it, I am going to check it out– but they never make it to the checkout.  Just hollow compliments and empty promises to attract attention.
  •  But do black people really own it? And where is the money really going? Never asked Walmart this.
  •  I wonder if they have my size? The question they ask on Facebook, not to the company selling the clothes.
  •  But is the fabric from Africa and do they own the cotton fields– impossible criteria. Versace does not only use Italian fabric. 
  •  Red herring, let us talk about something else on a space that requires support. Let me discuss How the White man stole our history, as opposed to support the real work which redresses that issue. 
  •  Can you make me an African spacesuit, then I would support. This is how they get out of supporting what exist right now.

You know there are people out there that really have no plans of supporting, but they get put on the spot, like how do you justify NOT supporting? So what they do is go to a business and look for excuses not to support:

I was going to support but they did not have a store in my area (I don’t use credit cards online).
I was going to support but the price was too high.
I was going to support but I didn’t like their attitude.
I was going to support but the website was slow.
I was going to support but was not sure if they were really black owned, would need DNA verification from before I support (need to be sure it is not Whites exploiting our culture).

Typical distrust, Clay supported but Juporn did not

And what is  interesting is some are so mentally gone we will question and interrogate African owned and designed clothes with a microscope– these same people have no such urges when they go to the local mall to waste all their money on Chinese and European clothes. So wearing European clothes made in Bangladesh is ok, but when it comes to African clothes they need proof of ethnicity of ownership before they buy (and then they do not Buy). On Juporn Asapra Garner like Linda Randolph-Ragin (see comment in image below) he curses everything White an Arab and any African who he sees as a traitor. He goes on to post about 5 signs of mental slavery yet is on social media voicing non-support on the suspicion that a 100% African owned conscious business empowering Africans in Africa is run by Whites. This is the fruit of so-called Afrocentrism decades after titans like Amos Wilson. This is what has become of their minds.

Linda Randolph-Ragin “Really???!!! Made in Africa via slave wages no doubt, so some rich white man’s company can haul them back here and make millions??? while the ppl in Africa, who made them, remain dirt poor. …Thanx but NO THANX, I’m gon pass.” (rationale “Doesn’t the post say Made in Africa”)

Linda Randolph-Ragin  mental slave

Linda Randolph-Ragin demonstrates Mental Slavery and self-doubt

You cannot have a value for what you cannot understand. Ignorance has no value for anything. Try explaining the value of a house to an infant who cannot yet count. But values are placed on things by educated societies. No one is explaining to Italians the value of a Ferrari. Sure they know it is “expensive” but they know it is worth it. And this is very different from saying something is “too expensive”. I cannot afford a Philippe Patek Watch but I understand it’s value, I respect its value. Understanding the value of African craftsmanship is something some of us do not get. We are ignorant about the process, we are ignorant about our genius and thus have no value for it. These people are oriented to appreciate and appraise the value systems of others– but not their own.
I have never seen so many negative comments about a Black owned company. Like y’all not wearing clothes that looks like another designer. Geesh,  Looking forward to seeing this company skyrocket. God bless you!– Disgusted Facebook User
A guy who hates capitalism told us that he would never pay more than $30 for jeans. On his page is nothing but insults for Donald Trump and other wealthy people. I asked him – the $20 jeans you like to buy, who owns them? You see, stupid does not think beyond the immediate world in front of them. The world is simple, because their minds are simple. When you pay $25 for jeans, what system are you supporting? Free trade or Capitalism? Now Ocacia Designer Clothing said denim cost $14 bucks for fabric alone, and you still have to buy labels, cotton, on and on. You still need to pay someone to make it. So who is able to make jeans for $25 for you to wear proudly? Think about what system is needed to allow you to have your anti-capitalism stance and your $25 pair of blue jeans? $25 jeans are made by capitalists who exploit the so-called third world. Thanks for supporting capitalism.
Another example is when someone is told about an African business selling DVDs or skin cream, someone replies not with spending their money on the products in existence but tries to give advice. One claimed he was an IT specialist and could get the company listed on an international database for Black owned companies. Am… who said they needed that help? The sign on the business says “Buy skin cream” not “submit unsolicited business advice”. The only thing you need to do is support what you see. If you are an IT specialist, or a business consultant then take your business credit card and shop. People will jump, duck and dive to talk their way out of the obvious.


One common excuse with not supporting African things is because they are usually priced higher. Well here is a crash course on economics to show you the real cost so you understand what is really expensive. You buy a pair of jeans from China. It only cost you $35 bucks. The Ocacia Jeans cost you $85 bucks–or more. Now from that $35 you spent on Chinese or American made jeans how much is going back to African people? None. Not even 1 penny. What about the $85 bucks you spent with an African owned business? Now this same business is using their money to employ African people and push African culture and politics which in turn is exactly why Jewish Americans have so much power over American foreign policy. They collectively own so much businesses that they can use that for political power. This is a concept alien to most Africans. And it is not something that should be explained. Because if you are reading this page and do not understand why supporting a conscious African business helps us all, then hit the back button.


Hope is built into us as humans. Even when a nuke bomb is falling on us we still cling to some idea of hope. Maybe the wind will blow it off target. So when people come and ask us “What can we do about xy and z” they want an answer with hope in it. Like how can we rebuild our industries in Africa and compete with China. Well in this life time we cannot. I would say impossible. And you going to have to deal with it. Because many many years ago some of us failed to do what was necessary to secure our future today. We cannot hope to beat Bollywood and the reason for that requires you to go back 20 years and deal with the people that betrayed our industries (including the non-supporters). So do not ask in 2017 “what is up with xy and z” long after they have been neglected. What we have right now needs to be saved. If you see something still in existence, preserve it– before we lose that too. Do not worry about building Swahili as a Pan-African language when we cannot even build one simple industry that feeds our people.


Do Africans own it, and secondly, are they conscious Africans? If you are unclear about what/who an African is, then you are in a bad space. If you are unclear about what conscious means then you are probably beyond help. It has to be like this because we are not at the start of the modern era, we are in the era of globalization where cultures vie for dominance and if most of us want to still be asleep in a world wide awake then let the sleepers continue to sleep in their confusion. Because no one is waiting for Africans to figure out identity and ownership. And we do not need to waste time talking about this too much. If, with your own eyes you see the quality, you see the consciousness–then buy.

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1 Even if these exact stats are wrong, they clearly are not wrong about showing there is an epic problem
2 reply: People ask who owns Ocacia. Its seems African people doubt their own ability so much that some struggle to think that Africans can create an online business at the level of Ocacia. But if you really worried about who owns Ocacia it is explained on the site. (but did the people with this concern visit the site? or care to privately email us? ). Next thing someone said they were worried that their money spent buying African clothes might not be going to Africans. Hold up! All this week they have been spending money on things that no African owns–why not raise this criterion then? Black Panther film made millions from Africans, why was this criteria not raised when they supported it? I mean it is an African story but all the profits are not in any African account. Most clothes on the market are made by Chinese, most people who are concerned about our owners ancestry wear 100% clothes that are NOT owned by Africans–so why now the deep investigation after we said we were 100% African owned? ‘Just another way to tear down and create distrust
This content is available exclusively to members of AHS's Patreon at $1 or more.


African Holocaust (Est. 2001) is a non-profit civil society dedicated to the progressive study of African history and culture. The society is composed of diverse array of African scholars and writers, who share the desire use critical thinking to represent and restore an authentic, reflexive, honest, inclusive and balanced study of the African experience, past and present.

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