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African People are a Black People
Motherland DVD
500 Years Later DVD
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African Holocaust the Definitive African History and Cultural Site





Until lions tell their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter

African Proverb

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will

– Frederick Douglass

The most pathetic thing is for a slave who doesn't know that he is a slave

– Malcolm X

Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions.

– Ancient Egypt

Until the Story of the hunt is told by the Lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.

– African Proverb

What kind of world do we live in when the views of the oppressed are expressed at the convenience of their oppressors?

– Owen 'Alik Shahadah

We are not Africans because we are born in Africa, we are Africans because Africa is born in us.

– Chester Higgins Jr.

Leave no brother or sister behind the enemy line of poverty.

– Harriet Tubman

Until the Story of the hunt is told by the Lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter
African Proverb

African Holocaust (Maafa) isangano risingawani mubairo kana chouviri rakazvipira panyaya yekudzidza nhoroondo netsika dzevanhu vatema vemuAfrica.Sangano iri rine vadzidzi nanamuzvinafundo vanechido chekumisikidza nekusimbisa chokwadi chiri pachens chisina kwachakarerekera panyaya dekudzidza nyaya dzeAfrica.
Tinounganidza ziva dzemativi ose zvawo kudzidzisa , nekusimbisa chenjedzo muvanhu. Tinopikisa udzvanyiriri hupi zvahow (kubva kuSouth Africa kusvika Palestine) umbimbindoga , kudzvanyirira vanhukadzi nekuvengana kwemarudzi nezvitendero. Donzvo redu kugadzira mabasa ezivo anowanikwa , anonyevera nezvetsika nenhoroondo yevanhu vatema zviri mudende rezveAfrica chete.Tichitarisa nyaya dzeAfrica tinotenda kuti vanhu vatema vanofanira kuva vanyori venhoroondo yavo vachiwana pundutso necheuviri pakuita mabasa iwaya.Chishuwo zve ndechekuti basa iri rinofanira kupa mikana yekuyanana kwevanhu vatema nekuziva magariro neraramo yevamwe vavo uyezve zvichizivikanwa nepasi rese. Tsvakurudzo yezve Africa haisi yedambe ., asi vavariro kufumisa magariro edu nehuwandu hwedu.Tinotenda kuti nekuzvitonga kwevanhu vatema vacharamba vachiwedzera udzamu kumararmiro avo munyaya dzetsika dzavo.

Dandaro rino harikumbiri rubetsero kuvanhu , tinongokurudzira kuti mutenge zvigadzirwa zvedu.Izvi zvinoita kuti tiite basa redu takasununguka uyezve kuti dandari iri rigare riri pamasaisai.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy
Martin Luther King, Jr.

MOTHERLAND: is an epic and unprecedented entry into the canon of African-owned cinema, which charts the glory and majesty of the Motherland (Enat Hager). Motherland is a film that unapologetically calls for African unity, self-determination and the African rebirth. ON DVD

African Kings African Kings African Kings

The greatest mistake of the movement has been trying to organise a sleeping people around specific goals. You have to wake the people up first, and then you'll get action
Malcolm X

Holocaust     Holocaust
Conscience is an open wound; only truth can heal it Holocaust
Holocaust Holocaust
Holocaust Uthman Dan Fodio


Nhaurwa dzevanhu vatema munhepfenyuro dzinongova dzekuzvidza vanhu vatema.Nhoroondo , tsika dzedu nenzwi redu zvinonyorwa kuburikidza nemaziso evachena.Kuti tiratidze kuti tiri vanhuwo vanhu ngataure nyaya dzavo pamadiro.Kusununguka kunoda kuti vanhu vasimbe panyaya pemaonerwo avo nenhoroondo yavo pasi rino .Mukusimudzira chimiro nenjere dzevanhu vatema zvinotanga nekunyatsonzwisisa gwara renhoroondo netsika dzavo.


Vanhu vanofunga kuti chibharo chevanhu vatema (Maafa) injodzi inofanira kunyaririwa nezvayo kana kukanganikwa kana sechinhu chinozvidzika , chinofanira kuzevezerwa kana kuti sechinhu chekurekure.Chibharo ichi ndicho chakavaka nyika yevarungu yatinoona nhasi chikasiya mbiri yakashata.Zvisinei kubva kumadota ehutsinye uhu , chitsvambe pavanhu vakadzvinyirirwa kubatana nekudzosa hunhu hwedu sevanhu kunyika yedu , kuitira kuti hutsinye hwechibharo kusazoita hwaro hweramangwana redu.Vanhu vakadzvinyirirwa vanekunzwisa kunotibetsera mukunzwisisa mukugadzirisa kusagadzikana kwevanhu nehurombo.


Zita rekuti muAfrican ishoko guru rinoputira marudzi ese evanhu vatema nevari mhiri kwemakungwa. MaAfricans vakava vatema pavakangopambwa.Iyi yanga iri nzira yakakosha yekupingudza munhu kuti ave nhapwa , uyezve kumubvisa nekuti akanganwe nyika yake yerukuvhute nechizvarirwo.Vanhu vatema (vanonzi manIgiro nechiSpanish) ishoko rinezvarinoreva pakugarisana munyika nezvematongerwo enyika.Hakuna nyika inezita rekuti Vanhu Vatema.Asi dai tainzi muAfrica wekuAmerica , muAfrican wekuBritish , muAfrican wekuArab , muAfrican wekuBrazil kana muAfrican weku Caribbean zvnga zviri idi uye zvinerukudzo. Nasi uno shoko rekuti Africa yezasi kwegwenga reSahara razara mumagwaro ehonhoroondo nenhaurwa dzemuAfrica.Asi shoko iri harisi redu , raikavambwa nevapambevhu kuti vaise mukaha pakati pedu ,sevanhu vatema nektipamba.Panoperera gwenga reSahara ndiko kwavakuzni ndiko kwevanhu vatema.Miganhu isingatombozivikanwi kana nematongerwe enyika e (African Union) kana pamarudzi (Tuareg) kana pandimi (Afro-Asiatic) kana pazvitendero (Islam) kana senyika pachayo se(Sudan neMali)

"white" depends for its stability on its negation, "black." Neither exists without the other, and both come into being at the moment of imperial conquest.
Franz Fanon

Oppression is wrong period not periodically
' Alik Shahadah

What you and I need to do is learn to forget our differences. When we come together, we don’t come together as Baptists or Methodists. You don’t catch hell ’cause you’re a Baptist, and you don’t catch hell ’cause you’re a Methodist. You don’t catch hell ’cause you’re a Methodist or Baptist. You don’t catch hell because you’re a Democrat or a Republican. You don’t catch hell because you’re a Mason or an Elk. And you sure don’t catch hell ’cause you’re an American; ’cause if you was an American, you wouldn’t catch no hell. You catch hell ’cause you’re an [African]
Malcolm X

African Holocaust on ITunes

Motherland Film - Owen 'Alik Shahadah

Traditional African Modern Clothing Designer label

500 Years Later - Owen Alik Shahadah

Africa and Islam : History | Culture |

Christian Africa

The Art of Revolution

African Cartoons