The African Market

the African market. Goods and services on offer from African people to other Africans and the world. For example can I open up an African business selling Luxury Yachts to other African people? Of course not. But If I was Greek, Asian, Jewish or Arab I could. Now this is a crazy example but it still makes the point. There is no luxury Yacht market for Africans. The few interested in such things are too small to create a market. Ok what about if I said African lego? or African apparel on the level of Nike or Guess? That seems more reasonable –but still you could never find an African market to sustain a company 1/100th the size of Guess

Black Panther Film: Who Owns it? Not Us

Some of us are proud to see a Black Panther film; a film depicting African culture in a positive light. But it is our job to ask some hard questions. Yes the revolution will be televised by African people or exploited by “the other”. Below are pictures of people involved in the film. Some of them (like every Black themed Hollywood film in recent years 12 years a slave, on and on) include owners and hired help. And the few “black faces” are only there to help mask this fact. I see not one Black Face on the owners board of Marvel or Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

The Art of Revolution: A Critical Review of African Liberation

Real revolutions happen in quiet spaces. A revolution is only a revolution if it remains functional and relevant to the prevailing conditions of those it intends to revolutionize. Just like a weather forecast is relevant if it can predicts storms, or a clock only if it keeps accurate time.

The Art of Revolution: A Critical Review of African Liberation

Real revolutions happen in quiet spaces. A revolution is only a revolution if it remains functional and relevant to the prevailing conditions of those it intends to revolutionize. Just like a weather forecast is relevant if it can predicts storms, or a clock only if it keeps accurate time.

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Reparations Made Simple

The campaign to secure “Reparations” for the multiplicity of genocides and crimes that have been committed against the sons and daughters of Africa during the centuries of Slavery and Colonization consists of  an “outwardly directed” process in which we level demands at the liable European and North American Governments and institutions for a comprehensive package of compensatory money payments, developmental programmes, transfers of resources, and national and international institutional reforms , as well as of an “inwardly directed” process that we African or African-descended people must engage in ourselves to repair those aspects of the damage that pertain most directly to our minds and psyches.

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Wikipedia is RACIST

The white editors which make up more than 90% of the wikipedia community are creating white supremacist content. Anyone that challenges the white (90% male) editors are quickly banned from editing. Content on Africa is often whitewashed and excludes any independent African sources, only so-called nPOV. All of this is happening while wikipedia is rapidly gaining popularity and trust in the general population. People are reading white supremacist propaganda presented in the most believable format ever created and no one is talking about it.

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Zimbabwe: Psychosis Of Denial

Zimbabwe’s problems are caused by two conflicting ideological dispositions, Pan-Africanism versus neo-colonialism. To understand this we must remember that British Prime Minister Tony Blair came out openly that he is working with the Movement of Democratic Change in Zimbabwe to effect regime change.

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Politics of the Nile | Ethiopia v. Egypt
Egypt versus Ethiopia The father of all rivers, the Abbay, is known as the Nile once it leaves its homeland. It is, in reality, one water system and not a homogeneous geographical, climatic, or ecological unit. Originating from the highlands of Ethiopia, joined by the White Nile, it reaches downstream... Read more
The Art of Debate

Do you know how to present an argument? Well if you are like 99% of the planet that means no you do not. What people consider a debate is really just a battle of opinions. For example you say 9/11 was a hoax and someone replies, “I cannot believe you belive that nonsense”. or someone says “The ancient Egypts were African people” and someone replies “No they were not black”. The responses are not counterarguments. They are counter-opinions. If I said “I believe in God” and you said “You believe in invisible make believe people” you have no discredited my belief, or my statement. You just offered yours. It is not a debate because nothing has been offered. And this is all people on YouTube and social media are doing when they engage each other. Rather pointless because a debate is an exchange of information, a critique of points and assumptions, a challenge of facts and how they are used. And very few people get even remotely close to doing this.

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African Leadership
The Root of Failure in the African World See Also | African Legends | Corruption This article is written by different authors over many years. It has not been proof read.  You see men sailing on their ego trips Blast off on their spaceships Million miles from reality No... Read more
Eurocentric hegemony and African recolonization

There is imperative need to understand the fact that Africa attained the flag and national anthem independence only. A critical analysis of 21st century Africa clearly indicates that Eurocentric principles, values and practices are still evident, it is clear that far too many African states have been captured and have become subjects of Eurocentric hegemony in a fashion that is reminiscent of recolonization. Admittedly, there is a fresh impetus to generic Eurocentrism globalization. History and contemporary information both demonstrates that US – European fascist’s constructs are involved in sponsoring criminal warlords, wars and generic destabilization processes. These processes are in fact nothing more than opportunist criminal movements and corrupt political parties who are focused on the destabilization of Africa.

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Homosexuality (LGBT or MSM ) has become a highly electric third rail in the West with a great deal of disposable wealth and power which has a long reach into policy and cultural direction – not only in the Western hemisphere but across the world. The issue of homosexuality [1] and lesbianism in the African community is one which is a challenge to the cultural integrity and moral fabric of African societies which are traditionally pro-life and pro-life systems.

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International Criminal Court

The ICC, on paper, acts to prosecute for crimes against humanity and genocide. But its focus on Africans only proves it is only a neo-colonialism outfit.

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