African Race

African Race

Identity Apr 3, 2019

We are not Africans because we are born in Africa, we are Africans because Africa is born in us. In our contemporary times, we have to accept that identities and terminologies change as circumstances change: There is no such thing as a trans-historical African identity. Therefore, in Africa’s ancient history the term ‘African’ as an identity would have had no meaning; people defined themselves as members of kingdoms, religions, and ethnic groups. Blackness, however is a term imposed at the moment of conquest by the apex oppressors — never by Africans themselves

The Art of Revolution: A Critical Review of African Liberation

Real revolutions happen in quiet spaces. A revolution is only a revolution if it remains functional and relevant to the prevailing conditions of those it intends to revolutionize. Just like a weather forecast is relevant if it can predicts storms, or a clock only if it keeps accurate time.

Religions in Africa Today

All spiritual systems practiced traditionally by Africans, whether native or mainstream, are organized religions. The rituals of Voodoo, Orisha, Serer, etc are all highly organized, and without exception function in a communal setting. They all have degrees of a priest class, ceremony, sacrifice, libation, religious holidays, creation stories, saints, divine systems of punishment and reward.

Somalia : Money and Civil War

In Somalia war and famine seem to be the default. The fragile pastoral and agricultural activities have been brought almost to a standstill by the civil war. Economic activity depends mostly on international organizations and on remittances from the Diaspora abroad.

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